test_match v0.1.0 TestMatch.LPG.Cypher.Client

Module providing a simple library for querying LPG models in a Neo4j instance via Cypher.

Link to this section Summary


Deletes all nodes and relationships in database.

Returns a default Cypher query.

Returns a Cypher query from query_file.

Dumps all nodes and relationships in database.

Dumps all nodes and relationships in database.

Opens up a Bolt database connection with the app config.

Queries database for one node.

Queries database for one node and relationships.

Queries database for node by id.

Queries database for one node ID.

Queries database for limit number of node IDs. If no limit is given then all node IDs are retuned.

Queries database for limit number of nodes. If no limit is given then all nodes are retuned.

Queries database for limit number of nodes and relationships. If no limit is given then all nodes and relationships are retuned.

Queries database for one path.

Queries database for limit number of paths. If no limit is given then all paths are retuned.

Queries database for one relationship.

Queries database for relationship by id.

Queries database for one relationship ID.

Queries database for limit number of relationship IDs. If no limit is given then all relationship IDs are retuned.

Queries database for limit number of relationships. If no limit is given then all relationships are retuned.

Deletes all nodes and relationships in database.

Queries Bolt connection with Cypher query.

The same as rquery/1 but raises a runtime error if it fails.

Counts nodes, relationships and paths in database.

Link to this section Functions

Deletes all nodes and relationships in database.


iex> Cypher_Client.clear()
%{stats: %{"nodes-deleted" => 171, "relationships-deleted" => 253}, type: "w"}

Returns a default Cypher query.

Link to this function


Returns a Cypher query from query_file.

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Dumps all nodes and relationships in database.


iex(3)> Cypher_Client.dump("nobelprizes.cypher")
    "batchSize" => 20000,
    "batches" => 4,
    "cleanupStatements" => nil,
    "cypherStatements" => nil,
    "file" => ".../test_match/priv/lpg/graphs/nobelprizes.cypher",
    "format" => "cypher",
    "nodeStatements" => nil,
    "nodes" => 21027,
    "properties" => 49184,
    "relationshipStatements" => nil,
    "relationships" => 43267,
    "rows" => 64294,
    "schemaStatements" => nil,
    "source" => "database: nodes(21027), rels(43267)",
    "time" => 949
Link to this function

dump(query_file, graph_file)

Dumps all nodes and relationships in database.


iex(3)> cypher_dump("match (n) return n limit 3", "limit3.cypher")
    "batchSize" => 20000,
    "batches" => 1,
    "cleanupStatements" => nil,
    "cypherStatements" => nil,
    "file" => ".../test_match/priv/lpg/graphs/limit3.cypher",
    "format" => "cypher",
    "nodeStatements" => nil,
    "nodes" => 3,
    "properties" => 3,
    "relationshipStatements" => nil,
    "relationships" => 0,
    "rows" => 3,
    "schemaStatements" => nil,
    "source" => "statement: nodes(3), rels(0)",
    "time" => 1

Opens up a Bolt database connection with the app config.


iex> Cypher_Client.init()
  socket: Bolt.Sips.Socket,
  port: 7687,
  hostname: 'localhost',
  retry_linear_backoff: [delay: 150, factor: 2, tries: 3],
  with_etls: false,
  ssl: false,
  timeout: 15000,
  max_overflow: 2,
  pool_size: 5,
  url: "bolt://localhost:7687",
  basic_auth: [username: "neo4j", password: "neo4jtest"]

Queries database for one node.

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Queries database for one node and relationships.

Queries database for node by id.


iex> Cypher_Client.node_by_id(311)
    "n" => %Bolt.Sips.Types.Node{
      id: 311,
      labels: ["Book"],
      properties: %{}

Queries database for one node ID.

Link to this function

node_ids(limit \\ nil)

Queries database for limit number of node IDs. If no limit is given then all node IDs are retuned.


iex> Cypher_Client.node_ids()
  %{"id(n)" => 1804},
  %{"id(n)" => 1805},
  %{"id(n)" => 1806},
  %{"id(n)" => 1807},
  %{"id(n)" => 6277}
Link to this function

nodes(limit \\ nil)

Queries database for limit number of nodes. If no limit is given then all nodes are retuned.


iex> Cypher_Client.nodes(2)
    "n" => %Bolt.Sips.Types.Node{
      id: 311,
      labels: ["Book"],
      properties: %{}
    "n" => %Bolt.Sips.Types.Node{
      id: 312,
      labels: ["Book"],
      properties: %{}
Link to this function

nodes_and_relationships(limit \\ nil)

Queries database for limit number of nodes and relationships. If no limit is given then all nodes and relationships are retuned.


iex> Cypher_Client.nodes_and_relationships()
    "n" => %Bolt.Sips.Types.Node{
      id: 1546,
      labels: ["Book"],
      properties: %{
        "date" => "2018-03-14",
        "format" => "Paper",
        "iri" => "urn:isbn:978-1-68050-252-7",
        "title" => "Adopting Elixir"
    "r" => %Bolt.Sips.Types.Relationship{
      end: 1548,
      id: 1689,
      properties: %{"role" => "second author"},
      start: 1546,
      type: "AUTHORED_BY"

Queries database for one path.

Link to this function

paths(limit \\ nil)

Queries database for limit number of paths. If no limit is given then all paths are retuned.


iex> Cypher_Client.paths()
    "p" => %Bolt.Sips.Types.Path{
      nodes: [
          id: 1548,
          labels: ["Author"],
          properties: %{"iri" => "https://twitter.com/josevalim"}
          id: 1546,
          labels: ["Book"],
          properties: %{
            "date" => "2018-03-14",
            "format" => "Paper",
            "iri" => "urn:isbn:978-1-68050-252-7",
            "title" => "Adopting Elixir"
      relationships: [
          end: nil,
          id: 1689,
          properties: %{"role" => "second author"},
          start: nil,
          type: "AUTHORED_BY"
      sequence: [-1, 1]

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Queries database for one relationship.

Link to this function


Queries database for relationship by id.


iex> Cypher_Client.relationship_by_id(9265)
    "r" => %Bolt.Sips.Types.Relationship{
      end: 1786,
      id: 9265,
      properties: %{},
      start: 1783,
      type: "ns0__license"
Link to this function


Queries database for one relationship ID.

Link to this function

relationship_ids(limit \\ nil)

Queries database for limit number of relationship IDs. If no limit is given then all relationship IDs are retuned.


iex> Cypher_Client.relationship_ids()
  %{"id(n)" => 1804},
  %{"id(n)" => 1805},
  %{"id(n)" => 1806},
  %{"id(n)" => 1807},
  %{"id(n)" => 6277}
Link to this function

relationships(limit \\ nil)

Queries database for limit number of relationships. If no limit is given then all relationships are retuned.


iex> Cypher_Client.relationships()
    "r" => %Bolt.Sips.Types.Relationship{
      end: 1548,
      id: 1689,
      properties: %{"role" => "second author"},
      start: 1546,
      type: "AUTHORED_BY"

Deletes all nodes and relationships in database.


iex> Cypher_Client.reset()
%{stats: %{"nodes-deleted" => 171, "relationships-deleted" => 253}, type: "w"}
Link to this function

rquery(cypher_query \\ cypher_query())

Queries Bolt connection with Cypher query.


iex> Cypher_Client.rquery("match (n) return n limit 1")
     "n" => %Bolt.Sips.Types.Node{
       id: 919,
       labels: ["Resource"],
       properties: %{
         "rdfs__label" => "Hello World",
         "uri" => "http://dbpedia.org/resource/Hello_World"
Link to this function

rquery!(cypher_query \\ cypher_query())

The same as rquery/1 but raises a runtime error if it fails.


iex> Cypher_Client.rquery!("match (n) return n limit 1")
    "n" => %Bolt.Sips.Types.Node{
      id: 919,
      labels: ["Resource"],
      properties: %{
        "rdfs__label" => "Hello World",
        "uri" => "http://dbpedia.org/resource/Hello_World"

Counts nodes, relationships and paths in database.


iex> Cypher_Client.test()
[%{"nodes" => 171, "paths" => 506, "relationships" => 253}]