test_graph v0.1.0 NeoSemantics.Extension

Module providing simple wrapper functions for the neosemantics library extension functions.

TODO - format support

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Produces an RDF serialization of the nodes and relationships returned by the query

Produces an RDF serialization of the nodes and relationships returned by the query

Exports from Neo4j an LPG graph transformed into an RDF graph. The graph is centered on a node identified by node_id

Exports from Neo4j an LPG graph transformed into an RDF graph. The graph is centered on a node identified by node_uri

Pings the Neo4j service

Link to this section Functions

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cypher(cypher, show_only_mapped \\ false)

Produces an RDF serialization of the nodes and relationships returned by the query.

Currently only RDF Turtle is supported. Also have a problem with supporting the showOnlyMapped parameter.


iex> cypher = TestGraph.LPG.read_query("node1.cypher").data
"match (n) return n limit 1\n"
iex> IO.puts (cypher |> NeoSemantics.Extension.cypher)
@prefix neovoc: <neo4j://defaultvocabulary#> .
@prefix neoind: <neo4j://indiv#> .

neoind:919 a neovoc:Resource;
  neovoc:rdfs__label "Hello World";
  neovoc:uri "http://dbpedia.org/resource/Hello_World" .

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Produces an RDF serialization of the nodes and relationships returned by the query.

Currently only RDF Turtle is supported.


iex> cypher = TestGraph.LPG.read_query("nodes.cypher").data
"match (n) return distinct n\n"
iex> cypher |> NeoSemantics.Extension.cypher_on_rdf
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node_by_id(node_id, exclude_context \\ false)

Exports from Neo4j an LPG graph transformed into an RDF graph. The graph is centered on a node identified by node_id.

This returns the full context unless an optional boolean arg exclude_context is passed as true which will exclude context if present.


iex> NeoSemantics.Extension.node_by_id(1783)
"@prefix neovoc: <neo4j://defaultvocabulary#> .\n@prefix neoind: <neo4j://indiv#> .\n\n\nneoind:1783 a neovoc:Resource;\n  neovoc:ns0__creator neoind:1785;\n  neovoc:ns0__homepage neoind:1784;\n  neovoc:ns0__license neoind:1786;\n  neovoc:ns0__name "Elixir";

neovoc:uri "http://example.org/Elixir" .\n"

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node_by_uri(node_uri, exclude_context \\ false)

Exports from Neo4j an LPG graph transformed into an RDF graph. The graph is centered on a node identified by node_uri.

This returns the full context unless an optional boolean arg exclude_context is passed as true which will exclude context if present.


iex> NeoSemantics.Extension.node_by_uri("http://example.org/Elixir")
"@prefix neovoc: <neo4j://vocabulary#> .\n\n\n<http://example.org/Elixir> <http://example.org/creator> <http://dbpedia.org/resource/José_Valim>;\n  <http://example.org/homepage> <http://elixir-lang.org>;\n  <http://example.org/license> <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Apache_License>;\n  <http://example.org/name> "Elixir" .\n"

Pings the Neo4j service.

This returns a JSON confirmation that the service is up.


iex> NeoSemantics.Extension.ping